Available in Silver, Charcoal or Blue!
Anchor Shield Hammer finish is a durable, protective finish that can be applied to a wide range of metal, timber and pre-painted substrates.
Anchor Shield Hammer finish is ideal for restoring metal surfaces and hiding surface imperfections such as scratches and joints.
When sprayed it produces a uniform and attractive hammer pattern with good slip resistance.
For use on imperfect metal surfaces, weld joints and equipment which has been pre-coated in a similar finish. Ideal for use on zincalume® and galvanised Iron, wrought iron and steel. Excellent on trailers, tool boxes, machinery, metal cabinets etc.
• Steel, iron, wrought iron
• Non ferrous metal (primed)
• Timber (primed)
• Pre-painted surfaces (conduct a spot test to ensure compatibility with existing coating prior to application)
SURFACE PREPARATION: All surfaces should be clean, dry, and free from oil and grease.
Remove any contamination with Pacer P08 Wax & Grease Remover. Whilst Anchor Shield Hammer Finish can be applied direct to bare surfaces, priming with a suitable primer is recommended for maximum performance. For steel use Anchor Industrial structural primer. For non ferrous metals Anchor Industrial etch primer is ideal. For timber surfaces prime using a suitable timber primer
DIRECTIONS: Mix the pant thoroughly. Use a flat bladed spatula to ensure any settling is lifted off the bottom of the can. Anchor Shield Hammer Finish can be applied by brush, roller or spray. Avoid painting in conditions of high humidity, heat or cold which all may cause an unsatisfactory finish.
SPRAY: May be applied using conventional or airless spray equipment. Mask off any surrounding areas to protect from overspray. Apply 1 light coat and allow 10-15 minutes to flash off. Apply two full even coats allowing 10-15 minutes between coats. Heavier coats will result in a more pronounced hammered metal pattern.
ROLLER/BRUSH: Apply 1 light coat and lightly re-roll/ re-brush to even out the finish. Leave until touch dry before applying a second light coat. Runs may be lightly re-rolled/re-brushed before the surface becomes tacky. Avoid excessive film build on vertical surfaces where runs can distort the pattern. A better finish will be achieved with 2 light coats rather than 1 heavy coat.
CLEAN UP: Pacer F51 Enamel Thinner or mineral turpentine
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